



日本書道評論社から毎月発行されている「書の研究」に、私が去年10月に行なったサンフランシスコアジア美術館でのデモンストレーション&ワークショップ「新たなる伝統:源xシムラ – New Traditions: gen x Simula」に関するレポートが掲載されました。2月号と3月号の2ヶ月に渡り、大人版と子供版両方に掲載されています。



My report on the calligraphy demonstration and workshop “New Traditions: Simula x Gen” at Asian Rt Museum last October was featured in The International Calligraphy Association’s monthly journal “Sho No Kenkyu,” February and March issue consecutively. You can read them both in adult’s version and youth version of the journal.

This is a honorable achievement for me. I have been a member and studied Japanese calligraphy with this “Sho No Kenkyu” since when I was six. By submitting your work every month, you will get higher rank as you pass the inspection by calligraphy masters & judge committee. I continued practicing, studied under the master Zuiho Sato, and reached the highest rank 6 years in a row – and received the title of the master of Japanese calligraphy student when I was 14. Without Sho No Kenkyu, I won’t be here.

I hope you will have a chance to read this report (if you’re in Japan!), and if you could see that Japanese calligraphy is enjoyed by many people in overseas, you will make me feel really content with my work. Baby steps to the future.

Warmest energy to you.