Aoi Yamaguchi
Japanese Calligrapher / Artist
Born and raised in Hokkaido, Japan, Aoi Yamaguchi has been trained to master the basics of calligraphy by learning under the Master Zuiho Sato since at the age of 6, while refining her knowledge and skills. She is a recipient of numerous awards including the First Place prize from the Minister of Education at 44th Asahi Calligraphy Nationwide School Exhibit, Superior First Place at 33rd National Students Calligraphy Exhibition and others that are known as the supreme prizes at competitive public exhibitions. As a noteworthy event, she was nominated to participate in the group, 4th Hokkaido Elementary and Junior High Students Visit to China in 2000, representing the country of Japan and participated in calligraphy exchange sessions at Palace of Pupils of China. She received the title of Master Calligraphy Student from International Japanese Calligraphy Association at the age of 14.
Since landed in the U.S. in 2004, she has performed and exhibited her works in many galleries, museums, universities and festivals in the United States, across Europe, and Japan. Her works show her exploration in juxtaposing the traditional Eastern classics and her contemporary artistic expressions, as well as her unique ambition of transforming two-dimensional art of Japanese Calligraphy into the art of physical expression through performances. Currently residing in Los Angeles, California, Yamaguchi continues her work on her conceptual calligraphy installations, exhibitions, and performances as she continues to push the boundaries of traditional Eastern classics and contemporary artistic expression.
書家 / アーティスト
二次元から立体へと、書の世界観を多角的に表現する舞台を創り上げるライブ書道パフォーマンスに力を入れている。現代音楽作家、サウンドアーティスト、ピアニストやチェリスト、和楽器奏者、ダンサー、ファッションモデル、華道家、和菓子作家など、様々なジャンルのアーティストとコラボレートし、書のもつ「静と動」の美を体現する表現方法を模索している。TEDxTokyo 2014、TYPO Berlin 2017にて書とサウンドアートを融合したパフォーマンスを披露。また、書道アートを素材とするライブビジュアルや、E-テキスタイルのテクノロジーを取り入れたパフォーマンスなど、デジタルメディアと融合したプロジェクトにも取り組んでいる。各国の日本国総領事館や日本国大使館主催により、ライブ書道パフォーマンス、ワークショップ指導なども意欲的に行う。この美しき日本の伝統芸術を次世代に伝えてゆくべく、書道の新たな現代藝術における可能性を追求し活動を展開している。
Solo Exhibitions 個展
2023 花鳥月露八景 Beauties of Nature, Wacom Experience Center, Düsseldorf, Germany
2022 墨と心象 Sumi: Inner Landscapes, Hugomento, San Francisco
2016 陰翳 IN-EI: The Resonance of Shadows, Cross Hotel Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
2011 Exclusive preview of selected works, Gallery Heist, San Francisco, CA
2010 還源 KANGEN -Reunited with Nature-, Fivepoints Arthouse, San Francisco, CA
2009 A Dot and A Line, Guerilla Cafe, Berkeley, CA
2008 Solo Exhibition 燿 -Akagari -, Hokusen Gallery Ivory, Sapporo, Hokkaido Japan
Group Exhibitions グループ展
2023 Frama x Terminal 27, Galerie Murphy, Los Angeles, CA
2017 48 Pillars, Arc Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2013 Art of Fortune, Modern Eden Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2011 Rise Japan vol.2, ARC Studios & Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2011 Rise Japan vol.1, Gallery Heist & Kokoro Studio, San Francisco, CA
2011 Warhol Reimagined: The New Factory, Project One, San Francisco, CA
2010 Bridge is Over, Lopo Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2010 RAW 08.06.10, Uptown, Oakland Art Murmur, Oakland, CA
2010 6th Annual Asian Heritage Street Celebration, Civic Center / Little Saigon, San Francisco, CA
2010 Four Elements vol.4 風 -WIND-, Space Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2010 43rd Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival, Japan Town, San Francisco, CA
2010 Four Elements vol.3 土 -EARTH, Space Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2009 4th Annual Sake Day, Jewish Community Center, San Francisco, CA
2009 Four Elements vol.2 火 -FIRE-, Space Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2009 Bridge, Project One, San Francisco, CA
2009 Future Classic, Poleng Lounge, San Francisco, CA
2009 Beyond Recognition, Space Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2009 Love Sake & Art, Artmeznik, San Francisco, CA
2009 Flying Kite Man, Subterranean Arthouse, San Francisco, CA
2009 Kinokuniya Seasonal Calligraphy Installation, Kinokuniya Bookstore, San Francisco, CA
2009 Four Elements vol.1 水 -WATER, Space Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2009 HELLA LOGOS!!, Space Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2009 International Valentine’s Day, G3, San Francisco, CA
2009 Colorless Spectrum, Space Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2008 頁 – page -, Space Gallery, San Francisco
2008 SAI, Space Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2008 Surreality in Reality – 現実の中の非現実 -, Space Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2008 Anything Goes, Dalva, San Francisco, CA
2007 Spring Landscape, Ensoma, San Francisco, CA
2007 One Love, Gallery One, San Francisco, CA
2006 Minimarhythm x Kero One Launch Party, 330 Ritch, San Francisco, CA
2006 Toki – 時 -, Space Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Live Performances ライブパフォーマンス
2023 碧眼, Blue Eye Samurai Screening Reception, Terasaki Budokan, Los Angeles, CA
2023 花鳥風月, ArtScapes, Ikebana Exhibit: Sogetsu San Francisco Bay Area Branch 50th Anniversary, San Francisco, CA
2023 虚心, Night of the Museums, Wacom Experience Center, Düsseldorf, Germany
2022 TWELVE 十二の記憶 Ode to Piano Classics, THU 2022, Tróia, Portugal
2022 間 (MA) -and everything in between-, Japan Days in Kaunas, Kaunas 2022, Kaunas Artist House, Lithuania
2018 麗心, Oribe Los Angeles Atelier, Lantana, Santa Monica, CA
2018 花鳥風月, Grand Seiko Launch Party, Spring Studios, New York, NY
2018 心霽れ 涙翳る, Island Lights, Valletta 2018, European Capital of Culture, Valletta, Malta
2018 明珠在掌, Now Japan 2018, Town Hall and Philharmonic Hall, Vilnius, Lithuania
2018 宵桜、朧月, Artechouse, Washington, D.C.
2018 辿軌跡, White & Case LLP, New York, NY
2017 悠然, LuckyRice by Suntory Whiskey Toki, Bently Reserve, San Francisco, CA
2017 Caligrafía do Son (Sound Caligraphy), Basílica de Santa María la Mayor, Pontevedra, Spain
2017 琳瑯心聲 -Towards Transcendance -, TYPO Berlin 2017, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany
2016 風韻悠然神韻縹渺光韻一縷余韻遥遥 / 天壌無窮 /鼕燈響, Les Moulins de Paillard, Ponce-sur-le-Loir, France
2016 息・醒月, FULL: BREATH, Berkeley Art Museum, Berkeley, CA
2016 一花一葉, いけ花草月流 Sogetsu Ikebana 90th Anniversary Exhibition “Artscapes”, SF County Fair Building, San Francisco, CA
2016 Lines, ADEAM, for New York Fashion Week SS17 Presentation, New York, NY
2016 威風凜然, UNIQLO Disney Springs, Orlando, FL
2016 蒼穹・薫風, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA
2016 New Traditions: Buhay x Sei, Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, CA
2016 無窮 / 瞬 for 陰翳 IN-EI: The Resonance of Shadows, Cross Hotel Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
2016 Ephemeral + Eternal, Ice Hills Hotel in Tobetsu, Hokkaido, Japan
2015 創造 sou・zou, for Asia Society Northern California Gala 2015, Ritz-Carlton San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
2014 結 YUI -Connecting the Unconnected”, TEDxTokyo 2014, Shibuya Hikarie, Tokyo, Japan
2013 雅麗人, Digital Garage, DG717, San Francisco, CA
2013 Dots and Lines, DG717, San Francisco, CA
2013 生生流転 Shō Jō Ru Ten, Teatrul Odeon, Bucharest, Romania
2013 技 WAZA, The Concourse Exhibition Center, San Francisco, CA
2013 You-You, Visit Japan Festival, Union Square, San Francisco, CA
2013 Selected tanka poems from “Voices from Japan”, Art Gallery at San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA
2013 松竹梅 “Sho-Chiku-Bai”, Yoshi’s, San Francisco, CA
2012 鼓舞 Kobu, Lam Research Theater at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA
2012 New Traditions: Simula x Gen, Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, CA
2012 飛龍乗雲, Sheraton Grand Sacramento Hotel, Sacramento, CA
2012 UNiBIRTH, ArtPadSF Fair, Phoenix Hotel, San Francisco, CA
2012 咏遠 TOWA -Infinity in Nature-, METRO, Kyoto, Japan
2012 咏遠 TOWA -Infinity in Nature-, The 8th Gallery at CLASKA, Tokyo, Japan
2012 “Blessings from Earth” for “gratitude”, Session House, Tokyo, Japan
2011 J-Pop Summit Festival: Sponsored by Japan Foundation, San Francisco, CA
2011 Painted Dolls, Art Explosion Studios, San Francisco, CA
2011 Urbanature -VJ Performance w/ Joel Dittrich for Ben Klock-, VOLT: The Festival for Electronic Music, Uppsala Konsert Kongress, Sweden
2011 蘇生 SOSEI, R/GA, San Francisco, CA
2011 A World Without Words, Bobby McKey’s, National Harbor, MD
2011 Together -Love & Lust-, Oasis, Oakland, CA
2010 KANGEN -Reunited with Nature-, Fivepoints Arthouse, San Francisco, CA
2010 Ritmos Sin Fronteras, SOM, San Francisco, CA
2010 Shing02 & Emi Meyer live, Rockit Room, San Francisco, CA
2010 Quadron concert, Mozaic Lounge Hotel Sheraton, San Jose, CA
2010 地跡 CHISEKI -Traces of Nature-, 310 Lounge, New York, NY
2010 Four Elements vol.4 風 -WIND-, Space Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2010 Four Elements vol.3 土 -EARTH, Space Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2009 Invasion, D-Structure, San Francisco, CA
2009 Four Elements vol.2 火 -FIRE-, Space Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2009 Four Elements vol.1 水 -WATER, Space Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2009 Colorless Spectrum, Space Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2008 頁 – page -, Space Gallery, San Francisco
2008 SAI, Space Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2008 Happy Feet, Mighty, San Francisco, CA
2008 Surreality in Reality – 現実の中の非現実 -, Space Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2007 Light and Shadow – 陽と影 -, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA
2007 Wordless Eloquence *07 – 雄弁な沈黙 -, White Rabbit, New York, NY
2007 Spring Landscape, Ensoma, San Francisco, CA
2006 Silence & Motion – 静と動 -, Ensoma, San Francisco, CA
2006 Japanese Month Cultural Festival, Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA
Awards 受賞歴
2002 Certificate for An Honor Student from Hokkaido Calligraphy Education Association, Hokkaido Newspaper Corporation
2001 Hokkaido Federation of Japanese Calligraphy Award
2000 Asahi Newspaper Publishing Company Award
2000 First Prize in Japanese National Students’ Calligraphy Expo
1999 Title of Master of Student Calligrapher
1999 First Prize from Japanese Minister of Education
2001 第46回全道学校朝日書道展北海道書道連盟賞
2000 第45回全道学校朝日書道展朝日新聞社賞
2000 第33回全国学生書道展覧会特別賞一席
1999 北海道書道協会「書の研究」学生名人位
1999 第44回全道学校朝日書道展文部大臣賞
Grants • Residencies グラント • レジデンシープロジェクト
2016 Les Moulins de Paillard: Centre d’Art Contemporain, Ponce-sur-le-Loir, France
2013 Embassy of Japan in Romania, Bucharest, Romania
2013 Consulate-General of Japan in San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
2011 公益財団法人朝日新聞文化財団芸術活動助成金 Asahi Shinbun Foundation, Tokyo, Japan
Commission コミッション
2023 『墨色』Cuzen Matcha, San Francisco, CA
2023 『将軍』FX/Disney, Los Angeles, CA
2023 『碧眼』for Blue Eye Samurai, Netflix, Los Angeles, CA
2022 『ONI』for ONI: Thunder God’s Tale, Tonko House, Berkeley, CA
2021 Blue Eye Samurai, Netflix, Los Angeles, CA
2021 『拓』, Armani Beauty, New York, NY
2020 Beautylish, San Francisco, CA
2019 TATCHA, San Francisco, CA
2019 Canada Goose / Monopo, Tokyo, Japan
2018 Grand Seiko, New York, NY
2018 Oribe, New York, NY
2018 Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation, Powell, WY
2018 White & Case LLP, New York
2017 White & Case LLP, New York / Tokyo
2017 Carbone Smolan Agency, New York, NY
2017 Suntory Whiskey, SCHOOL, San Francisco, CA
2017 Blue Glow Games, CA
2016 TY KU Sake, Established., New York, NY
2016 EYESIGHT Fashion & Luxury Events, New York, NY
2016 UNIQLO Disney Springs, Orlando, FL
2016 True Cup, San Francisco, CA
2015 “Nara Secret Guidebook”, ROBOT Communications Inc, Tokyo, Japan
2015 Asia Society Northern California, San Francisco, CA USA
2015 彩 Aya, Chiba, Japan
2015 OMAKASE, San Francisco, CA USA
2015 “Mifune Toshiro”, Tokyo Restaurants Factory Co.Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
2015 『東京無国籍少女』, Toei Company Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
2015 Dr.Franken, Tokyo, Japan
2015 Contiki Vacations, Anaheim, CA, USA
2015 Takara Leben / Advans Works, Tokyo, Japan
2014 I.G Films, Tokyo, Japan
2014 JTB USA, San Jose, CA
2014 麺処 麦蔵 Mendokoro Mugikura, San Francisco, CA
2014 麺屋 遊玄 Menya Yugen, Mountain View, CA
2014 Gyu-Kaku 牛角 Las Vegas, NV
2014 “GARM WARS The Last Druid”, Production I.G, Tokyo, Japan
2014 SK-II USA, +pbs, New York, NY
2014 Digital Garage, Tokyo / San Francisco, CA
2013 麺酒屋 極 Menzakaya Goku, San Francisco, CA
2013 麺酒屋 神楽 Menzakaya Kagura, San Francisco, CA
2013 Absolut Vodka, New York, NY
2013 The New Republic, New York, NY
2013 癒月 Yuzuki Restaurant, San Francisco, CA
2013 和楽 Waraku Restaurant, San Francisco, CA
2012 Shabuway, San Francisco, CA
2012 MENOH, San Francisco & Los Angeles, CA
2012 「はしり」for Sushi Restaurant, Meguro, Tokyo, Japan
2011 KENZO perfume fair at Bloomingdale’s Third Ave, New York, NY
2010 KENZO perfume fair at Bloomingdale’s, San Francisco, CA
2010 Ippuku, Berkeley, CA
2010 Cover Art for documentary Film “An Eternal Soul”, San Francisco, CA
2010 Ramen Dojo, San Mateo, CA
2010 Calligraphy identity for The Drums, New York, NY
2009 Kinokuniya Bookstore Building, San Francisco, CA (Monthly, March 2009~March 2010)
2009 Dohatsuten Ramen & Tapas, Palo Alto, CA
2007 Ozumo Restaurant & Sake Bar, San Francisco, CA
2006 Tennis Team of Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
Other その他
2024 Live Demonstration for Lo Malone Hinoki Cologne Intense Launch Event, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA
2023 Workshop at TATCHA Indigo Balm Launch Event, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA
2023 Workshop at District Vision Pop-up Event, Silverlake, Los Angeles, CA
2023 Speaker Presentation at Beyond Tellerrand, Düsseldorf, Germany
2022 Workshop at THU 2022, Tróia, Portugal
2022 Workshop for FX Networks, West Hollywood, CA
2022 Workshop for Atlas Obscura, Online
2022 Workshop and Speaker Presentation at VMU, Kaunas, Lithuania
2021 Speaker Presentation at Stay Curious by Beyond Tellerrand
2021 Workshops at Tortoise General Store, Venice, CA
2019 Workshop for TATCHA, San Francisco, CA
2018 Workshop at Norn London, London, United Kingdom
2018 Workshop at Norn Berlin, Berlin, Germany
2018 Speaker Presentation & Workshops at NowJapan 2018, Vilnius, Lithuania
2018 Speaker Presentation & Workshops at -ING Creatives Festival 2018, Dubai, UAE
2018 Speaker Presentation at Beyond Tellerrand 2018, Munich, Germany
2017 Workshop for Tarsadia Foundation, Newport Beach, CA
2017 Lecture & Workshop at University of Vigo, Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain
2017 Speaker Presentation & Workshop at TYPO Berlin 2017, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany
2016 Lecture & Workshop for Good Try Japan, J-SEI, Emeryville, CA
2016 Conceptual art presentation”Sho to Wagashi: COSMOS” at Morimoto Napa, Napa, CA
2016 Conceptual art presentation “Sho to Wagashi: COSMOS” at Turtle & Hare, Oakland, CA
2016 Collaborative art presentation / Artist Talk “Sho to Wagashi: COSMOS” at Conde House USA, San Francisco, CA
2016 Lecture / Presentation for Mazda Motor America, San Francisco, CA
2016 Live Demonstration at San Jose State University, San Jose, CA
2016 Lecture / Presentation at Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, CA
2015 Speaker / Workshop for Good Try Japan, Tokyo, Japan
2014 Presentation / Workshop at Google San Francisco Office, San Francisco, CA
2013 Lecture / Workshop at George Washington High School, San Francisco, CA
2013 Lecture / Workshop at Universitatea Romano-Americana, Bucharest, Romania
2013 Lecture / Demonstration / Workshop at University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
2013 Lecture / Workshop at Uniersitatea Crestina Dimiterie Cantemir, Bucharest, Romania
2013 Lecture / Workshop at Japanese School in Romania, Bucharest, Romania
2013 Lecture / Workshop at The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
2013 Lecture / Workshop at Universitatea Hyperion, Bucharest, Romania
2012 Demonstration / Workshop at Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, CA
2012 Lecture / workshop at San Jose State University, San Jose, CA
2011 Guest speaker presentation at R/GA, San Francisco, CA
2011 Guest speaker presentation at Smart Design, San Francisco, CA
2011 Live art making at Sketch Tuesdays, 111 Minna, San Francisco
2011 Lecture / workshop at Leola M. Harvard Early Education School, San Francisco, CA
2010 Demonstration at Presidio Teacher’s Night, San Francisco, CA
2010 Lecture / demonstration at ArtSeed workshop, Sequoias, San Francisco, CA
2010 Lecture / demonstration at Japanese Calligraphy workshop, Sycamore Church, Albany, CA
Featured Publications メディア掲載
“Immerse Yourself in this ‘Blue Eye Samurai’ Research Guide to Edo Period Japan“, TUDUM by Netflix, Los Angeles, 2023
“Meet with Calligrapher, Aoi Yamaguchi“, Cuzen Matcha, San Francisco, CA, 2023
“April & September: Good Company with Calligraphy Master Aoi Yamaguchi“, Tortoise General Store, Venice, CA 2023
Time Out Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan February 2019
Forbes, New York, NY, November 2018
Violet Issue 04, Tokyo, Japan, November 2018
Canvas Magazine, Dubai, UAE, November 2018
LAMŲ SLĖNĮS, Vilnius, Lithuania, August 2018
The Design Kids, Melbourne, Australia, June 2018
CNN English Express, Tokyo, Japan, December 2017
COURRiER Japon, Tokyo, Japan, August 2017
99U, New York, NY, May 2017
SHIFT, Tokyo, Japan, March 2016
Hokkaido News Paper, Hokkaido, Japan March 2016
DMM Eikaiwa Blog, Tokyo, January 2015
T’s Pool, Takara Leben, Tokyo January 2015
The New Republic, New York, April 2013
書の研究 Sho No Kenkyu by International Calligraphy Association, Japan, February & March 2013, New York, October 2011
Tokyo Digigirl: GINZA Official Blog, Tokyo, October 2011
Swedish VJ Union, Sweden, June 2011
SHIFT, Japan, June 2011, San Francisco, May 2011
SF Weekly, San Francisco, Novmeber 2010
[X] Press Magazine, San Francisco State University, April 2009
KINARI, Tokyo, November 2008
FIL, Sapporo, August 2008
Hokubei Mainichi Newpaper, San Francisco, June 2008
BaySpo, San Francisco, December 2006
TV Appearances テレビ出演
Labas Rytas, LRT, Lithuanian Radio and Television, Lithuania, August 2018
Pasaport Diplomatic, Bucharest, Romania July 2013
Bucuresti TV City, Bucharest, Romania, July 2013
KRON4 Weekend Morning News with Henry Tenenbaum, San Francisco, California, October 2011
Radio Appearances ラジオ出演
SHIBUYA FM Magnetic Girl Radio with Emi Kusano, Tokyo, Japan January 17, 2012
FM NORTHWAVE ちあラジ!with Kaori Oku, Sapporo, Japan January 4, 2012