Thank you everyone for coming to my event at Minamoto Kitchoan San Francisco last Friday! It was very short amount of time, but I had fun meeting and talking with
“Fans painted with Aoi Yamaguchi’s stunning Japanese ink-based calligraphy are available in limited supply. Come meet the celebrated artist who will personally create Japanese characters directly onto your unique fan.
My new project – collaboration with leather bag line “Hawke & Carry“. I have been wanting to make bags with my calligraphy artwork as part of the textile design. I
Common Magazine 2011 Summer Issue No.20 RISE JAPAN Report p.42-47 Common Magazine, based in Sendai, Japan, featured the report of our Rise Japan events in SF! Hope our effort helped
I have another performance show this weekend: I’ll be performing live large-scale calligraphy at J-Pop Summit Festival this Saturday, August 27th. “J-POP SUMMIT FESTIVAL is a pop culture-themed street
– Kathryn McCarron’s Collection at Painted Dolls in February Next Friday, I’ll be showing my works and performing live calligraphy painting at fashion + art show called “Painted Dolls”. Guevarra Arcega
書道レタープレスグリーティングカードをお求めになれる場所が、増えました。 More places where you can find my calligraphy letterpress greeting cards! [x] RAW GOODS (Online Store) [x] RAW GOODS is initiated by SF’s own Erik Otto Studios. More artists and
Nujabesのドキュメンタリー映画制作を去年から手がけているAbe Spiegelから一報が。 第二弾のトレーラーが完成しました。 私とIsabellaが手がけたカバーアートもじゃじゃーん、といった感じで堂々オープニングを飾ってます。 日本語訳のお手伝いもさせて頂きました。サブタイトルの文章の配列が多少気になりますが、本編の方では修正される予定です。まずは、映画の公開をお楽しみに。 さっそくHypebeastにも掲載されました。 An email came in from Abe Spiegel, a director / producer of Nujabes documentary film – the second version of the trailer is out.
READ ARTICLE: SHIFTの「PEOPLE」セクションに、インタビュー記事が掲載されました。 SHIFTは日本をベースにした「世界のクリエイティブカルチャーを紹介するトライリンガルオンラインマガジン」。彼らが取り上げるアーティストやショップ、ギャラリーなどはセンスのあるセレクトで、愛読させてもらっていたので、インタビュー掲載の機会を頂き、光栄です。 My interview by SHIFT, a “Japan-based International online magazine features creative culture”, is featured in the “PEOPLE” section. I have been one of the fans