
Immersive & Interactive Installation at Artechouse, Washington DC

Long-awaited Spring has come! This March, my calligraphy is going to be part of the Immersive & interactive digital art installation titled “SAKURA YUME” (Cherry Blossom Dream) at Artechouse, the first


風花 – Snow Flurries in the Wind

風花   kazahana - Flurries in the Wind - On the last night of January. In a slumber listening to the lullaby of the city lights, dreaming of the snow flurries


beyond tellerrand München 2018

Talk at Beyond Tellerrand München 2018 I’ve had a pleasure to speak at beyond tellerrand, a Germany-based conference about web design, development, creativity, design and more, inviting speakers from around the


Hello Munich! Talk at Beyond Tellerrand Munich 2018

I'm excited to announce that I was invited to give a talk at Beyond Tellerrand, a creative conference that brings diverse range of speakers together this year. Their events take


「織」-WEAVE- New Year’s Greetings 2018

  「織」-Weave- 一本一本丁寧に心を込めて糸を織り込むように 一人一人との繋がりをたいせつに 一糸一糸が重なり合い、鮮やかな文様が描かれてゆく そうして織りなされるひとつの織物のように 柔らかくしなやかに、強い芯を持って 私らしい模様を織っていく。 Incorporating the yarn with care one by one Is like connecting the paths with you, and new you Each line overlaps and


New Year’s Calligraphy “Kakizome” Workshop 2018

二〇一八年書き初め Kakizome Workshop 2018 Kakizome (書き初め) is the term for the first calligraphy writing of the new year, traditionally performed on the second day of January. This event is also called 吉書 (kissho), 初硯


Featured interview in COURRIER JAPON

  COURRIER JAPON, a Japan-based international news magazine, featured my interview with 99U. The interview is translated into Japanese for this issue. Courrier Japon is one of the international magazines


Featured interview in CNN ENGLISH EXPRESS

  Excited to be featured in the latest December issue of CNN English Express (available in Japan). It is wonderful to be able to share stories about my work across


Live Performance with SF Taiko Dojo @ Bentley Reserve this Friday Presented by Suntory Whiskey Toki

This coming Friday, I will be performing live calligraphy in collaboration with San Francisco Taiko Dojo at SF FEAST LUCKYRICE, a premium wine & food event which takes place at


Featured in GMUND Lakepaper Blocker designed by Tolleson

"Paper is not just a medium -- it is the message" I am featured in Gmund's Lakepaper Blocker with talented San Francisco female artists Heather Day and Tiffanie Turner, designed by Tolleson San