「織」-Weave- 一本一本丁寧に心を込めて糸を織り込むように 一人一人との繋がりをたいせつに 一糸一糸が重なり合い、鮮やかな文様が描かれてゆく そうして織りなされるひとつの織物のように 柔らかくしなやかに、強い芯を持って 私らしい模様を織っていく。 Incorporating the yarn with care one by one Is like connecting the paths with you, and new you Each line overlaps and
"Paper is not just a medium -- it is the message" I am featured in Gmund's Lakepaper Blocker with talented San Francisco female artists Heather Day and Tiffanie Turner, designed by Tolleson San
SEASONS 08 AUGUST 葉月 空蝉 Utsusemi -Empty Cicada: This Mortal Life- For August session, the seasonal word for the month is 空蝉 "Utsusemi". Utsusemi literally means "an empty locust", and also defined as "this mortal
SEASONS 07 JULY 文月 蓮葉 Hasuha -Drifting Lotus Pads- For July session, the seasonal word for the month is 蓮葉 "Hasuha", meaning "Drifting Lotus Pads". From mid-July to mid-August in Japan,
I'm very excited to announce my upcoming collaborative calligraphy performance at Do Audible in collaboration with two contemporary classical pianists Haruna Takebe & David Durán, performing an hour program of
Sun 4.6.-17:00h Aoi Yamaguchi / Schneider TM / Mika Satomi / Özgür Erkök Moroder Interactive Improvisational Performance Of Calligraphy, Movement And Sound Apartment Project Berlin Hertzbergstraße 13 12055 Berlin entrance
静と動 -Stillness and Motion-, two of my recent “pillar” works for the themed exhibition 48 Pillars are installed and on exhibit at Daltile Showroom from May 19 – 29. Daltile is
I’m excited to announce that I was invited as one of the guest speakers at TYPO Berlin 2017. TYPO Berlin is one of the most important creative conferences in the
In October 2016, I had an opportunity to go on an art residency in countryside of France for a collaboration performance project with Mika Satomi, a Berlin-based e-textile artist, and
Japanese Calligraphy “Shodo” Workshop for Beginners 季節を愉しむ書道ワークショップ 「SEASONS」 SEASONS op. 04 April: Hatsu-zakura – Season’s First Cherry Blossom – 4月 卯月 – 「初桜」の会 SEASONS is a series of our monthly Japanese calligraphy workshops