Currently on View: Solo Exhibition「墨と心象」”Sumi: Inner Landscapes” at Hugomento in San Francisco
My solo exhibition, first time in 11 years in the United States, opened at Hugomento in San Francisco on November 12. This exhibition showcases my selected artworks from the past 7 years exploring the world of tanboku (淡墨), in the form of bokushō (墨象), also known as zen-ei shodo (前衛書道), the art of abstract expressionism through the medium of Japanese calligraphy, including selected pieces from the series Momentum: Movements in Nature (2015), 陰翳 IN-EI: Resonance of Shadows (2016), and TWELVE 十二の記憶: Ode to Piano Classics (2022).
When you walk into the main gallery space, you will be welcomed by 『奔』Run on the largest wall. This is one of the 12 pieces I’ve written during the live performance “TWELVE 十二の記憶: Ode to Piano Classics” at an amazing creative conference THU in Portugal this September. This piece was inspired by Frédéric Chopin’s one of the most famous piano classics, Polonaise No.6 in A-Flat Major Op.53, “Heroic”. I chose to perform to this piece as the second track in the playlist, symbolizing the early phase in a journal of my life. While listening to the grandiose spectacle of this piano composition, I was remembering my young self following my passion and running through all the challenges and hardships to overcome. While holding a brush, I was immersed in the energy that made me run toward a triumph to realize my goals, in pursuit of my dreams. I want to dedicate this piece to all the young dreamers in the world.
At the gallery, you will have an access to the music composed by Corey Fuller inspired by the theme of 陰翳 IN-EI: Resonance of Shadows, for you to enjoy while viewing the artworks on exhibit, as well as a performance video and playlist of TWELVE 十二の記憶: Ode to Piano Classics. I recommend visiting the gallery with your own headphones / earbuds for the best experience. Hope you will have a chance to visit the gallery, and enjoy tranquilness in a beautifully curated gallery space. The exhibition is on view until the end of the year. Original artworks and limited edition giclée prints of selected works are available for sale. Please contact the gallery for inquiry or purchase.

h u g o m e n t o
795 22nd Street,
San Francisco, CA 94107
Wed – Fri, 1-6 pm
Sat – Sun, 1-5 pm
and by appointment
hugomento is a boutique art gallery in Dogpatch, San Francisco owned and curated by Hugo Lai. Whether you’re looking for one-of-a-kind handcrafted ceramic art, a unique and original print, painting, sculpture, or other objet d’art, or simply want to experience one of the city’s most soulful small galleries, Hugomento is a must visit. Current artists include Mitch Iburg, Janet Jones, Marco Minetti, Blaise Rosenthal, Aoi Yamaguchi, Justin Zielke, among others.
Artworks in the photographs above:
奔 Run
Inspired by Polonaise No.6 in A-Flat Major Op.53, “Heroic”, Frédéric Chopin
From the series TWELVE 十二の記憶: Ode to Piano Classics
2022, 55.5″x 54″, Sumi ink, Double-layered Japanese Gasen-shi Paper
光 Light
2016, 53” x 27.25”, Sumi ink on Japanese gasenshi paper
From the series 陰翳 IN-EI: Resonance of Shadows
翳 Shadows
2016, 53” x 27.25”, Sumi ink on Japanese gasenshi paper
From the series 陰翳 IN-EI: Resonance of Shadows