
1月24日、サンフランシスコはHunter’s PointにあるBurnett Children’s Development Centerで3〜4歳の子ども達に書道のクラスの指導をしました。アメリカではこの日のちょうど一週間前がMartin Luther King Jr.’s Dayであり、Black History Monthに先駆けて、キング牧師が説いた「愛」をテーマにすることに。クラスは2クラス、1時間ずつ。

On January 24th, I taught 3~4 years old kids at Burnett Children’s Development Center in Hunter’s Point / Bayview in San Francisco.  I was invited as a guest art instructor by a non-profit organization called ArtSeed, which has been contributing to this school to improve their art education programs over 7 years.  In the United States, January 17th was Martin Luther King Jr.’s Day – so we have decided to design this workshop in respect of his teaching of “LOVE”.  Two classes, one hour each.

こどもたちに、「今日は、あい と書きますよー」とホワイトボードに書いて説明。「LOVEってなんだかみんなわかるかな?」とみんなにたずねたところ、「I LOVE my mommy(ママだいすきだよ)」という返事が返ってきました。思わず、こころがほろり。。

“We’re gonna write LOVE today!” – I explained what the calligraphy is in really simple words, as I was writing them out on the white board. And I asked, “Do you know what LOVE is?” Then a boy answered, “I LOVE my mommy.”  Awwww, so sweet.


Teachers were even more curious to try.


It’s my job to catch these energetic kids’ attention, too.

じゅんびできてるひとー?  はーーい!!

Who’s ready to do this~?         Me~~!!!

I was really impressed at how kids are so good at mimicking!

Your mommy is so proud of you!

With everyone from one class!


Well done!